I know, this is nothing too sexy but when you have been living in a half completed kitchen for more than a year, it seems like a big deal!
So for Mother’s Day I asked my husband to make me a spice rack for the kitchen. I had all of these vintage canning jars with glass tops that cannot be used for canning but are great for storage. They aren’t exactly air tight but if I get new seals for all of them they can be.
So I went on Pinterest to look for the most vintage spice labels out there and I came across this design. I used Avery round labels in kraft brown colour to make them extra vintage.
So I washed all components of the jars in the dishwasher and dried them really well on the hot plate on my AGA. Once they were dry I labeled them and filled them up. Some spices are still in storage so some of my jars are still empty. Also I have more labels to go on and I have more jars in storage that I have to dig out.
I am just so happy to have one small part of my kitchen more functioning. After I got sick in February I have been slow to get back to work on the kitchen. I just got recovered in March and then the coronavirus struck and we all went into quarantine and I totally lost all motivation, not to mention I worked enough overtime in six weeks, to take nine weeks off this summer!
Work started to slow down and the weather got nice and now my motivation picked up. This is a long weekend for us and I have everything to make the pipe shelves in the kitchen, so that is tomorrow’s project!
The one really cool part about that spice rack is that it is reclaimed wood from our ceiling when we demoed it last year. Hubby planed the wood down and I painted it with Rustoleum’s Aged Grey. I distressed it slightly and used Annie Sloan’s white wax on it.
So I have been quiet on my blog and YouTube lately but that will soon change!