Last day at work!!!

You don’t get to say that too often huh?  Well tomorrow I will have been with the CRA for 15 years.  And now I am going on parental leave for 37 weeks and after that I may take an additional 5 years off to raise my children, they are only young once.

With our new property, the daily running of the motel, the yard work, the renovations, the garden and the 3 and nearly 2 year old boys, I think I’ll stay pretty busy. I still haven’t finished unpacking since our move in February. 

We have 2.5 bathrooms to renovate/create, a bedroom wall to blow out, a hot tub to move, a deck to create, a deck to fix, windows to convert into doors and painting galore to do.  Maybe coming to work was a break from all of those other responsibilities LOL.  Now I will have no more excuses why our bedroom has a blue and red striped wall!!!  I think I will use my project management skills from work to formulate a project plan for the motel responsibilities. 

Then there is the running of the business itself, advertising, book keeping, banking, purchasing supplies and keeping the tenants happy.

So whoever said this was my holiday was sadly mistaken.  However doing all of those things while not having a full time job with a 1.5 hour commute each day will make a huge difference on how quickly these other things get done and a huge reduction on my stress levels.  Now I don’t have to try to cram everything into my weekends.

Maybe I can do fun stuff with the kids on the weekends and enjoy our new community!!!  And since it is summer maybe we can experiment with camping.  I loved camping as a child and I do hope to have my own children experience those same feelings too.  There will definitely be one difference with camping now as opposed to when I was a child, I will need the Internet now!!!