Paradise is only an illusion!!!

I have recently taken a much greater interest in what goes into my mouth and I am completely floored by the garbage in almost everything in the supermarket, including meats and veggies.

Here is a list of what I have been watching.

Food Inc. you can see the trailer here, I watched it on netflix

Hungry For Change you can see the trailer here, I think you tube has it in parts too, I watched it on netflix

Farmageddon you can see the whole movie on you tube, here is the trailer

10 facts about Flouride 

I am getting so sick of finding out about all of the chemicals that are being put in our food and finding out about all of the government corruption going on with the FDA, USDC and CFIA.  So large food companies are greasing the palms of government officials to let them get away with feeding us garbage.

Nearly everything we it is laced with corn, this is not good for us.  When my husband came to Canada he hadn’t even eat corn on a cob, he said that was for pigs because that was what it was grown for in the Netherlands.  I guess that is what the government of the USA and Canada think we are, PIGS.  Because they put slop in our food supply and tell us how healthy it is.

My pantry is getting a label audit this weekend.  Anything with fructose, glucose or corn, unless it is actual corn, may see its way to a food bank or the garbage can.

The whole Monsanto thing is making my head turn around backwards, like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.  Just check out this article

I am going to keep hunting down and letting you all know what I can find that exposes these huge food corporations for the corrupt, cancer and other disease causing pigs they are!

In the mean time I am eating farm fresh eggs, well more like garden fresh eggs and I started eating Chia Seeds.

Everyone should plant their own organic gardens and be in charge of their own food supply.  Buy local, go to the farmers markets, go to the local butcher, get your own farm fresh eggs if you can’t have your own hens.  Read labels!!  I cannot stress that enough.