Preserves…I am learning a lot

So my tomatoes got a fungus.  Before pruning them we decided to take off all of the large green tomatoes and any that were touching the ground.  We got a lot!!! I started making chow (tomato relish).  I used one white basket of tomatoes with 5 lbs of onions and red peppers.  They are sitting in salt right now.  Tomorrow I will cook it all up and can them.  The bowl they are in is huge (the biggest Tupperware mixing bowl size) and it looks like I got enough tomatoes for 6 batches.  Three of them are turning red so I may ripen some up.

I am becoming a pro at this canning stuff.  I have made 20 1 litre jars of pickles now.  Tonight I made two garlic dill ones.  I bought dill weed to add to the pickles along with the dill spices.

Pickles need to “pickle” for 3 weeks before eating them and my first batch is now ready.  We had some with dinner last night, yummy!!!.

We also gathered up the rest of the ripe veggies.  We took in more very large zucchinis and eggplant and some peppers, as well as lots of cucumbers.

I also brought in some green onions for dinner.  I chopped up the yellow, cayenne and sweet peppers as well as eggplant, zucchini and the onions.  I drizzled olive oil over them with some seasoning and wrapped them up in tin foil and we barbecued them.

I needed bigger baskets so I moved them to my Ikea drawers.  I also bought a food processor so that slicing the veggies is a breeze now.  Since everything at Zellers is on sale I saved $30 on it too.

I also figured I’d use the processor to grate my zucchini and I’ll use our vacuum food preserver to seal them in 2 cup amounts for zucchini muffins.

We have been keeping our newly planted fruit trees well watered the last few days in this heat.

It seems so great to be eating and cooking all of the food that I am growing myself.  Living off of the land, that is the best way!